
Why You Should Shop Local

 Are you a person who shops locally? Do you know why shopping locally is so important to the economy where you live? In the following article, you will see a list of reasons why shopping locally is so beneficial.

#1 Do Something Good for the Planet

When you shop local, you are benefiting every person on earth. There is a long carbon footprint that is associated with the transportation of goods from different locations. When you buy goods from sellers who are not local, the goods have to travel a long way. The goods are transported by train, plane or truck. All of these vehicles cause pollution. Instead of contributing to the growing issue with climate change on the planet, you do well to support local shops.

#2 Give Back to Your Neighbors

When you shop locally, you are giving back to your community. Your neighbors are working hard to provide for their families, and they are not able to compete with the big business that dominates the industries. Your neighbors are highly talented, and they have products that you need. Even though local products can be slightly higher because of higher production times and personal labor, the proceeds from the sales will be going into the pockets of your neighbors. They, in turn, will put the money right back into the local economy, so you are contributing to a circle of support.

#3 Shopping Local Get You Fresher Food

When you shop local, you are able to get food that is farm fresh. When food is shipped from other parts of the world, it has to be sent before it is ripe. When the food has arrived at you, it is ripened either through a process or because of time. The food is not at its freshest point because it had been picked or packed much before it came to you. When you buy food that is local, you are buying food that has recently been made or picked. Not only is this better for your health, but it is also better for your neighbors, their farms, and your small local environment.

#4 Create Jobs in Your Community

When you shop locally, you are helping your neighbors to give and get work. If your neighbors deliver local produce, they are able to make income off of the work that they do. Apart from that, they will have to hire workers to help them out. That is the same for store and shop owners as well. Small business owners contribute to the community by selling high-quality products, and they also contribute by giving jobs to locals.


#5 Invest in Your Community

When you make the savvy choice to buy local, you are investing in your community. An investment is considered something that you put money into with the hope that it will give you a good return on your investment. What better investment could there be than your own community. When you do transactions in your community, you are helping your community to thrive. When your neighbors market Miami Beach products and services to you and other neighbors, they are able to count on the benefit of the doubt that their local investors will give them. This will encourage them to grow and thrive. Your support, trust, and investment will also encourage other local entrepreneurs to start their own local businesses.

Take One for The Team

Your investment into your local community is more than just a transaction, it is a commitment to your neighbors. It may seem easy to go to that big store or to that fast-food chain, but when you make the decision to pay a little bit more or to go to a few more stores in order to get your products, you help your community to grow and thrive. Even though little things might not seem important, please know that your community needs you, so do the right thing.


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