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About the Company

Malta has a very good island culture that is a great way to live your life. The traditional way of buying things and shopping for your needs is a slowly dying way of doing things. Now, you no longer have to browse through all the stock in the shop to find your favourite colour and size of the apparel. In fact, through the internet, you can find what you want within minutes, if not seconds. Similarly, you need not stand in a queue to get your apparels billed and packed. You need not even get to the shopping. At Basics Store, we provide a great and easy experience for shopping in Malta.

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Category IT Company
Size 0 Employees
Est. On
Jobs Overview

Malta has a very good island culture that is a great way to live your life. The traditional way of buying things and shopping for your needs is a slowly dying way of doing things. Now, you no longer have to browse through all the stock in the shop to find your favourite colour and size of the apparel. In fact, through the internet, you can find what you want within minutes, if not seconds. Similarly, you need not stand in a queue to get your apparels billed and packed. You need not even get to the shopping. At Basics Store, we provide a great and easy experience for shopping in Malta.

# Jobs