GSS Projects

Karnataka , Mysore
GSS Projects
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About the Company

Started in 1995, GSS Projects was established as a professional real estate company in 1997. Our goal was to create a win-win situation for all our customers through statutorily clear transactions by inculcating coherent business principles and adopting professionalism. At GSS Projects, we make sure all your real estate needs are fulfilled under one roof, without having to make you roam around the city. Rest assured, GSS Projects offer the handpicked and verified RERA, DTCP and MUDA approved sites in Mysore and is a member under CREDAI.

Page Created By
1104, Udayaravi Road, Kuvempunagar , Mysore, Karnataka, India
Category Business Page
Size 0 Employees
Est. On
Jobs Overview

Started in 1995, GSS Projects was established as a professional real estate company in 1997. Our goal was to create a win-win situation for all our customers through statutorily clear transactions by inculcating coherent business principles and adopting professionalism. At GSS Projects, we make sure all your real estate needs are fulfilled under one roof, without having to make you roam around the city. Rest assured, GSS Projects offer the handpicked and verified RERA, DTCP and MUDA approved sites in Mysore and is a member under CREDAI.

# Jobs