U Zaw Win Swe
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About the Company

U Zaw Win Swe, born on 21st January 1950, embarked on his cricket journey at an early age. His remarkable skills in leading the team and making crucial plays with the bat or ball quickly established him as a pivotal figure in Myanmar's cricket landscape.From captaining the team to being an agile fie

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107 Ang Mo Kio Street 11 , , Singapore, Singapore
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Category Public Personality
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U Zaw Win Swe,cricket,sports
Jobs Overview

U Zaw Win Swe, born on 21st January 1950, embarked on his cricket journey at an early age. His remarkable skills in leading the team and making crucial plays with the bat or ball quickly established him as a pivotal figure in Myanmar's cricket landscape.From captaining the team to being an agile fie

# Jobs