bird body language

Bird Body Language: Know What Your Pet Says

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We will study bird body language today! birds are the most intelligent and cunning creatures, and they also have their language of communication. However, it is more complex, for example, than understanding a dog or a cat.

To understand certain behaviors, you have to have a lot of patience and time to learn what they want to tell us. What’s more, each species uses body language differently, making things even more complicated.

Although each bird communicates differently, there are always common traits to identify what they want to transmit to us.

Above all, once you have any type of bird as a pet, you have to carefully observe its behavior, so that if at some point it changes, you know what to do and know what it wants to express. When observing the pet, try not to overwhelm it because it could get angry. Discover how to recognize birds’ body language to create a more united bond with your pet.


bird body language

bird body language

Everything is a little more complicated than with other species since birds cannot express facial expressions, although some gestures help understand what happens at certain times. Observation is crucial to know what happens. Birds communicate through the song and sound, but some small gestures can reveal something that happens to them as such:

  • Open beak. It can indicate aggressiveness, especially if an opening of wings accompanies this gesture. However, it can also mean fatigue or extreme heat. In this case, the gesture may be accompanied by gasps.
  • Spread wings. Aggressiveness or wants to defend their territory or food.
  • Rest position. The bird is comfortable and presents well-being. In the opposite case, it can also indicate a possible injury.
  • Stretch of a wing and a leg. It is a way of expressing that they are relaxed. They usually do it in a simultaneous movement. It also means that they are stretching.
  • Head under the wing. One sleeps peacefully, or is ill.
  • The bird is stunned. It means that something is wrong with it.
  • Fallen wings. Beginning of illness or fatigue.
  • Head bowed. They do it when they want to gossip about something more specific to better focus on something specific.
  • Rubbing spikes. If it is groomed with another bird, it means that they love each other and accept it.
  • It scratches with its beak. They do it to place the pens well and that they are in their place. There may also be the possibility of mites or lice.
  • It is always in the feeder. It means poor health and also has more symptoms like those described above.

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bird body language

bird body language

Despite having patience and understanding the previous gestures, you also have to look at the following aspects to understand even more about this wonderful spice and excellent companion pet.

  • Recognize their grooming. Birds are clean animals, so they will always groom themselves quite repeatedly. While grooming, the feathers are pulled with their beaks so that they can be straightened. In this way, the insects and residues that accumulate are also cleaned. If the bird has stopped preening and also, the feathers are ruffled and look disheveled, it is necessary to take it to the vet because something is not right.
  • Make sure the bird takes a bath. It is essential for the maintenance of their feathers. The moment the bird stops bathing, it is not taking care of itself, and it could be a sign that something is happening.
  • Watch the energetic flapping. It helps them stay in shape. Otherwise, if they don’t, they may be suffering from some kind of ailment. It may also be that they are happy and want to attract attention.

Identify signs of joy. As soon as the bird adapts to the home, it will adopt a posture when singing and whistling. Therefore, if these sounds change, it means that something happens.

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