Let’s delve in few of such advantages of HR software that have a clear impact on the organization, adding value to the organization:
Human resource management team is responsible for various functions related to an employee’s life cycle. This starts with the recruitment of an employee in accordance with the organization's requirements. Technologically advanced application aims in automating certain functions related to HRIS (human resource information system) and the HRM (human resource management). Software such as HR software in India has shown in certain surveys that the organizations equipped with web based applications have increased efficiency and productivity in comparison to the organization functioning on system based technologies.
Let’s delve in few of such advantages of HR software that have a clear impact on the organization, adding value to the organization:
Workforce Management
Management of the workforce includes various functions related to an employee’s lifecycle. These functions begin with the acceptance of the appointment letter till he/she exits the organization. Once an employee joins the organization he/she has to serve a probationary period for the human resource team to assure that the hired candidate is suitable for the organization and once the probationary period is completed the HR confirms the employment based on the feedback provided by the senior management. Technological advancements such as HR software in keeping a track of the performance related data to generate reports regarding the newly hired employee.
Payroll Processing
Payroll is an integral part of the HR module. Payroll deals with one of the most essential parts for any employee's life, i.e, salary. Payroll team determines the amount that needs to be credited in the employees account at the end of every month. The payroll portal of the HR software explains the cost to the company or CTC break-up explaining the take home amount of the employee. CTC comprises of various layers such as fixed and variable components, reimbursements, allowances, ESI deductions, provident fund deductions, etc. these components make a difference between the take home amount and the CTC amount that has been noted on the offer letter or the appointment letter. This assists the employees understanding of the take home amount.
Attendance Management
Attendance, an imperative yet tedious function of the organization to maintain the clock in/out time, notifying the employees’ about a change in the timings, leave approval, etc, these factors if handled manually, leaves room for errors. This application provides an automated solution for these functions. Web based application empowers the employee to update his/her attendance, apply for leaves, notify about the compensatory offs generated by the employee.
Performance Assessment
Human resource team is responsible for managing reports that determine the employees’ performance. A detailed KRA and KPI report is generated which determines the increments along with the promotions, appraisals and assists the administration to make corrective decisions based on these reports. HR software provides a brief report which is auto-generated for the HRs to scale the performance and make an unbiased decision with respect to the employees performance. A well analysed auto generated report builds a transparent bridge of trust between the employer and the employee.
Employee Engagement
An office culture without recognition and rewards might not be an appealing environment for any employee to invest efforts in. There are certain rewards and recognition initiatives introduced by the human resource team in each organization to motivate the employees and reward the employee for their hard work. Technologically advanced applications such as HR software initiates customary provisions to reward employees’ with badges and rewards to motivate and enlighten the mood of the employee.
These are few such advantages of hr software that clearly have a huge impact on any business adding value to any organization.
Having said that, technological advancements have a huge market potential with the growth of time. It is essential that any organization considering to opt for an HR software should have adequate knowledge of these technologies and requirements of the organization.