good logo

How Important Is It To Create a Logo For Your Brand?

Creating a logo is a fundamental step to gain space in the consumer's mind. Being remembered and recognized by your audience, among a multitude of competing brands, is a privilege that few successful companies have. More than a simple image or design, a logo is a symbol that represents who you are, which is why you should give it the utmost attention.

Finding an efficient way to position yourself in the market and present the strengths and concepts behind a company is a common difficulty for many companies. The creation of a logo contributes to the solution of this problem, being part of the process of building a strong and consistent brand. In this article, we will talk about the real importance and benefits that your business has when investing in creating a good logo. Come on!

What is logo?

Roughly speaking, logos are graphic illustrations that aim to represent one or a few concepts associated with organizations. These illustrations are designed so that they can be used in different advertising materials and other pieces of content, being considered by many as an extremely powerful Marketing tool in the service of a company.

To a certain extent, we can say that the logo is the face of a company, as it is through it that each organization is recognized by its customers. Or not, in the cases of those who have neglected its importance.

When well designed and connected with the philosophy behind the company's Marketing, they are invariably the link that represents the company's image and the Top of Mind! Want an example? Soda! Possibly the first name that came to mind for many was Coca-Cola! When reading this name, it is unlikely that the company logo did not immediately come to the memory of many. Okay, some will say: "I saw a bottle 'perspiring', it was so cold!” Yes, but what was clearly stamped on this same bottle?

In other words, Top of Mind - or top of mind - consists of the first brand or image or product or service, when we are encouraged to think about a group of companies, products or services. It is the brand that is synonymous with that category!

Logos can also play the role of communication. This is probably the most difficult objective to achieve, since it involves a sophisticated and rarely successful creative process. The subjectivity factor also has an important weight, since the idea that is intended to be transmitted, may not be captured properly by the universe of customers.

However, to the extent that the resulting image connects with the imagined proposal, it can sometimes transmit concepts and even be imbued with a personality capable of generating affinity, sympathy and harmony in the people who interact with it.

This type of subliminal message was fantastically obtained in some famous logos, such as Amazon , where the letters "A" and "Z" are connected by an arrow that at the same time means that you have everything from A to Z and the smile resulting from experience of buying (ON) line on the company's website.

The channels or digital media - which are the predominant means of communication - are strongly characterized by their visual character, further highlighting the aesthetic importance and involving form, color, proportion, texture and other components, which combined should produce some expressiveness and integration with the whole. It is impossible to disassociate a logo from the whole, on a page of an institutional website or a blog.

In other words, the connection between the logo and the communication that the company establishes with its public, is something indissoluble insofar as a well-designed logo is born. It is the result of a long and hard work, many actions and a lot of study, but when you do what you want, it is permanently printed in the minds of customers.

What are the types of logo?

In advertising terms, it is said that there are four categories of logos: textual, illustrated, symbolic and mixed.

Textual logos are formed only by words, presented in exclusive combinations of styles, fonts and sizes, proportions and colors. The companies Netshoes, FedEx and Walt Disney are some that use this type.

The illustrated logos are those that contain drawings or images that represent their names or what they do, such as those used by Apple , Firefox , Pinterest and Instagram , where we have in stylized form an apple, a fire fox, a pin and a camera photographic, respectively.

The third group or type, is composed of the so-called symbolic logos, which are characterized by a more abstract design, such as the famous symbols of Nike, Ubuntu, Audi and Chevrolet.

A classic example of a logo that aims to communicate and that can produce immediate identity in whoever visualizes it, using simplicity, is the Audi logo. The story behind the four rings, is that the company is the result of the merger of four other companies (Horch, Audi, Wanderer and DKW) to form Auto Union this is what the four rings represent


And this can be explored in a bold way, as was done in the famous commercial in which the brand shows four other brands, its main virtues and in the end it highlights its own, through the 4 rings. It is worth checking!

What is its importance?

If you have not yet realized the power of this simple instrument, we have put together some of the main advantages provided to your company when investing in a good logo. Follow:

Fixed the mark

There is no brand without a logo. The logo is usually the customer's first contact with your business, just like the face of someone you just met; often the first aspect noticed, even before the characteristics of the product, service or content. How many times when we come across a product in a showcase, as in the case of a sneaker, for example, the first thing we look for is the logo, in order to know which brand is behind that product.

The association that the consumer makes between a need and the product that is able to supply it is mainly due to the brand. This is the primary role of a logo, as it leverages recognition and consequently sales efforts, when the association is positive and represents favorable experiences.

Strengthens the image

Present in all marketing pieces, a good logo acts as a symbol of the company and conveys its best attributes, helping the customer to identify it as belonging to a certain niche market. In the battle for a space in the consumer's subconscious, as we mentioned at the beginning of the text, the power of the image is fundamental, especially in the current digital age.

But it is not only the image represented by what we see concretely, but the image that translates into concepts such as quality, technology, durability, etc. It is through this visual identity that meanings capable of transmitting sensations such as exclusivity, status, security are attributed to its audience.

Aligns with your audience

No matter the size of your market, the maxim that no business sells to everyone cannot be more correct. A good logo brings the right consumer closer, that is: your target audience is able to recognize your product immediately.

And this is fundamental, since recurring sales to loyal consumers represent a lot in a company's revenue. It is the guarantee of a net and certain return. Thus, it is important to focus your efforts and direct them to your target audience, and it is the logo that masters this role of alignment between customer and company.

How to create a strong logo?

Last but not least, we want to show you some tips on how to create a strong logo. We understand as strong, a logo that conveys concepts and establishes some communication with who sees it, based on points that represent the essence of the company and its Marketing efforts. It seems difficult? Check out some tips on how to reconcile all this:

Focus on the principles

Successful companies have characteristics that set them apart from the rest, and having a strong logo is one of them. Thus, this image of the company must be built based on the following principles: be simple, timeless, memorable, appropriate and versatile. These terms are self-explanatory, and the challenge for you is to reconcile your company's message with the feeling you hope to evoke in your target audience. Strive in that direction and you will succeed.

Take care of the colors

Colors are very important in the composition of a logo and are part of the message you want to convey. Therefore, it is necessary to be cautious and count on the help of professionals, since the shades have meanings, forms of use and very specific situations in which some are recommended and others are not.


It is also important to remember that when creating a logo, it does not necessarily have to be colored. In fact, by the example of large companies, it must be admirable in both color and black and white. But be careful: be careful with exaggerations and remember that simplicity is a principle to be followed.


Create good texts and illustrations

When thinking of logos, the image that usually comes to mind are illustrations of well-known companies, such as those from Apple or Ferrari. The use of illustrations matches almost any material; in addition, they are scalable and, if well developed, they are also timeless.


Another important point is the inclusion of a textual element in your logo, especially for startups and little-known companies, because the added words help to convey, in a clearer way, the message of your business.


Now that you know a little more about the importance of creating an excellent logo, how about investing in experienced designers? These professionals are dedicated to learning about your business and translating it into a positive image for the market. If this content was useful to you, be sure to post it on your social networks!


A logo, or just a logo, should be a visual representation of one or more factors that the company wants to convey to those who view it. It must be the result of aligning the proposals and marketing plans and, as much as possible, translating the image that the company intends to build and transmit to its public.

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