Home from Intruders

How to Protect Your Home from Intruders

There are few things scarier than the thought of an intruder inside your home. Not only is it a complete invasion of your privacy, but it can also be an extremely dangerous system.

There are few things scarier than the thought of an intruder inside your home. Not only is it a complete invasion of your privacy, but it can also be an extremely dangerous system. That’s why it’s important to do everything in your power to protect your home. Here’s how to protect your home from intruders.


Think like a burglar

The first step is to walk around your property and think like a burglar. Where would you try to enter the property if you were trying to break in? What is attracting you to the property? Where would you hide if a light came on? Getting into the head of an intruder will allow you to identify potential weak spots in your security.

Keep shrubbery neatly trimmed

To make your house as secure as possible, you need to minimize potential hiding spots for intruders. If you hear a noise outside, you should be able to identify if someone is there immediately. That’s why it’s important to keep shrubbery neatly trimmed around the property.

Don’t advertise your wealth

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your labor. If you have spent your whole life working, you can buy yourself that sports car you have always dreamed of. However, you shouldn’t advertise your wealth on the outside of your property. Don’t keep an expensive car on the drive, don’t leave expensive toys lying around, and try to block easy lines of sight into your property. You don’t have to hide your wealth; just don’t advertise it.

Use lights to deter burglars

Intruders like to work in the dark. If a huge, bright light comes on as they approach the property, they will quickly leave. That’s why security lights are one of the most effective ways to deter intruders. It gives the impression that someone is inside the property and limits their hiding choices.

Get a guard dog

Very few intruders will target a house with a guard dog. It just isn’t worth it. Get a dog that is naturally inclined to guard the property, like a bullmastiff, Doberman, or rottweiler. Then, teach them how to guard the property. This is probably the most effective burglar deterrent known to man.


Install security cameras

Security cameras have two uses in protecting your home from intruders. Firstly, they will deter any intruder that spots them. Secondly, they will capture the intruders on video, so you can send it to the police. Get security cameras to cover every available entrance and make sure they are easy to spot on the walls.

Get your house insured

Another line of defense against intruders is home insurance. At least this way, if the burglars do make off with your possessions, you will be able to claim it back. Check out Meslee for an easy quote on your personal insurance.

Hide your personal belongings

You can replace a TV or a sound system. However, you can’t replace that signed copy of your favorite album. That’s why you should install a hidden safe to keep your most treasured personal belongings. Keep your important documents, personal belongings, and anything else you can’t afford to lose in here.

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