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Mobile Phone Radiation : Reason To be Worried?

Radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy. All electromagnetic energy falls on the electromagnetic spectrum. There are two types of electromagnetic radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. On the low end of the spectrum is extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation which is non-ionizing. The opposite side of the spectrum has x-rays and gamma rays which are ionizing.

Radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy. All electromagnetic energy falls on the electromagnetic spectrum. There are two types of electromagnetic radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. On the low end of the spectrum is extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation which is non-ionizing. The opposite side of the spectrum has x-rays and gamma rays which are ionizing.


Where something lies on the electromagnetic spectrum depends on the wavelength’s frequency. The more frequent a wave passes by a certain point, the more radiation it produces.


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While radiation has a negative connotation, it’s not necessarily bad. Visible light is an example of electromagnetic radiation that falls in the middle of the spectrum. A problem occurs when humans absorb too much of this energy. For example, laying in direct visible light for too long can cause a burn or even lead to skin cancer.


How Does Cell Phone Radiation Work?


Cell phones emit signals that are in the form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Because phones are used in close proximity to your head, it’s a concern that our brain may absorb some of this energy. This type of radiation is fine in small doses, but if someone is on the phone a lot, it could impact the body.


To regulate the amount of radiofrequency energy emitted by phones, the FCC uses a specific absorption rate (SAR). For a phone to pass this certification and be sold in the United States, it must be less than 1.6 watts of energy per kilogram of body weight.


Precautions We Can Take to Minimize Our Mobile Radiation:-


Well, it seems that we don’t need to be too worried about mobile radiation, but it is probably better to be safe than. Therefore, it might be worth taking some precautionary principles to limit exposure. Here are some precautions we can take:


      Use a hands-free device in order to keep the mobile phone away from the head whenever possible.

     Don’t sleep with the phone under the pillow.

     Don’t keep it on a person when we’re not using it.

     Use a mobile phone that emits less radiation. We can find information about how much radiation each model of phone emits online. Generally speaking, Chinese mobile brands such as Xiaomi tend to emit higher levels of radiation.

     Upgrade to next-gen 5G networks which use millimeter-wave frequencies. Radiation of this frequency can’t penetrate biological tissue as deeply as microwave radiation, which makes it safer.



These are some key points which cover some important information we should know about mobile phone radiation. To sum it all up, we probably don’t need to panic about it, but precaution is recommended.


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