seo strategy

The 17 Most Important SEO Tips for Higher Rankings

Today you’re going to see the 17 most important SEO tips that you need to know. And these tips actually work.

So whether you’re new to SEO, or a seasoned veteran, I hope you get a lot of value from the techniques in this post.

Here are the 17 most important SEO tips to follow when optimizing your website:

  • 1. Use Keywords In The Right Places
  • 2. Keep Users On Your Site Longer
  • 3. Find “Suggest” Keywords
  • 4. Delete Zombie Pages
  • 5. Do An Industry Study
  • 6. Add Related Keywords to Your Content
  • 7. Add Text to Infographics, Podcasts and Videos
  • 8. Update Old Pages
  • 9. Speed Up Your Website
  • 10. Use the Google Search Console
  • 11. Create Content Around Shoulder Niches
  • 12. Get Backlinks From Your Visual Assets
  • 13. Create Branded Keywords
  • 14. Add “What is X” Definitions to Blog Content
  • 15. Rank In The Featured Snippets
  • 16. Find More Guest Post Opportunities
  • 17. Improve Your Organic CTR

    1. Use Keywords In The Right Places

    You probably already know that you should add keywords to pages that you want to rank.

    But where you use your keywords is just as important as how many times you use them.

    Specifically, you want to make sure that your keyword appears at least once in your page’s title tag.For example, I have a page on my site that’s optimized around the keyword:And I made sure to add that exact term in those key places.If you want to get more advanced with your on-page SEO, I recommend checking out this video.

  • The question is:

    How do you keep users on your site longer?

    Use lots of bullets and subheadings.

    When your content is easy to read, people will spend more time on your site.

    (It also stops them from hitting their “back” button.)

    As it turns out, bullets and subheadings make your content MUCH easier to read:

    3. Find “Suggest” Keywords

    You probably already know that you can use Google Suggest to find long tail keywords: But what you may not know is that you can use this same approach with OTHER search engines. 

    4. Delete Zombie Pages

    Zombie pages are pages on your site that don’t bring in any traffic.

    They’re just sorta…there.

    And when you delete Zombie Pages, you can get higher rankings and more Google traffic.

    In fact:

    One ecommerce site saw a 31% boost in search engine traffic (not to mention a 28% increase in revenue) when they “pruned” 11k product pages.

  • But before we begin, I want to reassure you of something.

    So many resources make SEO complex. They scare readers with technical jargon, advanced elements, and rarely explain anything beyond theory.

    I promise you, this guide isn’t like that.

    I’m going to break SEO into its most basic parts and show you how to use all its elements to construct a successful SEO strategy. (And to stay up-to-date on SEO strategy and trends, check out HubSpot's Skill Up podcast.)

    Keep on reading to understand SEO, or jump ahead to the section that interests you most. SEO stands for search engine optimization. The goal of SEO is to expand a company’s visibility in organic search results. As a result, these efforts drive more visitors to the company’s website, increasing their chances for more conversions which leads to more customers and more revenue.


    When asked to explain what SEO is, I often choose to call it a strategy to ensure that when someone Googles your product or service category, they find your website.

    But this simplifies the discipline a bit.

    There are a ton of ways to improve the SEO of your site pages. Search engines look for elements including title tags, keywords, image tags, internal link structure, and inbound links (also known as backlinks). Search engines also look at site structure and design, visitor behavior, and other external, off-site factors to determine how highly ranked your site should be in their SERPs.

    With all of these factors taken into account, SEO primarily drives two things — rankings and visibility.

    SEO works by optimizing a website's content, conducting keyword research, and earning inbound links to increase that content’s ranking and the website’s visibility. While you can generally see results take effect on the SERP once the webpage has been crawled and indexed by a search engine, SEO efforts can take months to fully materialize.

    This is what search engines use to determine where to place a particular web page in the SERP. Rankings start at position number zero through the final number of search engine results for the query, and a web page can rank for one position at a time. As time passes, a web page’s ranking might change due to age, competition in the SERP, or algorithm changes by the search engine itself.


    This term describes how prominent a particular domain is in the search engine results. Lower search visibility occurs when a domain isn’t visible for many relevant search queries whereas with higher search visibility, the opposite is true.

  • There is one more important reason why you should be using SEO: The strategy virtually helps you position your brand throughout the entire buying journey.

    In turn, SEO can ensure that your marketing strategies match the new buying behavior.

    But how do they use search engines during the process?

    Early in the process, they use Google to find information about their problem. Some also inquire about potential solutions.

    Then, they evaluate available alternatives based on reviews or social media hype before inquiring with a company. But this happens after they’ve exhausted all information sources.

    And so, the only chance for customers to notice and consider you is by showing up in their search results.

  • How does Google know how to rank a page?

    Search engines have a single goal only. They aim to provide users with the most relevant answers or information.

    Every time you use them, their algorithms choose pages that are the most relevant to your query. And then, rank them, displaying the most authoritative or popular ones first.

    To deliver the right information to users, search engines analyze two factors:

  • Relevancy between the search query and the content on a page. Search engines assess it by various factors like topic or keywords.
  • Authority, which is measured by a website’s popularity on the Internet. Google assumes that the more popular a page or resource is, the more valuable its content is to readers.
  • As you’ll shortly see, adding more content, optimizing image filenames, or improving internal links can affect your rankings and search visibility. And that’s because each of those actions improves a ranking factor.

    And to analyze all this information they use complex equations called search algorithms.

    Search engines keep their algorithms secret. But over time, SEOs have identified some of the factors they consider when ranking a page. We refer to them as ranking factors, and they are the focus of an SEO strategy.

    When determining relevance and authority, following the E-A-T framework can help tremendously. E-A-T in SEO stands for "expertise", authoritativeness", and "trustworthiness". And although these are not direct ranking factors, they can improve your SEO content which can impact direct ranking factors.

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