software testing

Traditional Tool To Use Windows Based GUI During Automation

AutoIt is an automation tool which is used for automating windows GUI. AutoIt is a third-generation programming language with various data types which can store several types of data. AutoIt is an automation tool which is used for automating windows GUI. AutoIt is a third-generation programming language with various data types which can store several types of data. So, selenium you can use only for browser or HTML component. If you have any need to do automation or anything outside the browser you can use some other tool and AutoID is one of them.


AutoIT tool

AutoIt is an automation tool which is used for automating windows GUI. AutoIt is a third-generation programming language with various data types which can store several types of data.
So, selenium you can use only for browser or HTML component. If you have any need to do automation or anything outside the browser you can use some other tool and AutoID is one of them.

An AutoIt automation script can be converted into a compressed, stand-alone exe file and this is something that we can use and call our selenium script.

AutoIt is having 2 components:
1) AutoIT - Identify elements on the window.
2) AutoIt Editor(SciTE) - editor to write autoIT script

When to use AutoIt with selenium:

Selenium can not handle anything which is outside the browser or non HTML elements. In real world, you will encounter situation where you have to do a file upload or something eject with a windows authentication box or any other non-browser interaction in those situations selenium will not help, you will need to help from external source i.e AutoIT

AutoIt has built-in features to compile script and do not need any extra add-on to do all things. When we need some popup or download something it won't be able to identify the window based object.

AutoIt with selenium:

1) Download and install autoIT
2) Download AutoIT ScriptEditor(SciTE)
3) Open Au3info.exe and locate objects on the windows GUI
4) create AutoIT Script and Test
5) Call AutoIT scripts in Selenium Test

Steps to integrate AutoIT

1) Write AutoIT scripts for file uploading (AutoIT Editor).
    ControlFocus() -> focus on the text box
    ControlSetText -> providing a path for a file.
    ControlClick() -> clicking on open button
AutoIT Scripts:


2) Compile AutoIT scripts and generate .exe file.

    Tool -> Compile -> Select x64 -> Click Compile Script -> generated.exe file.

3) Use .exe file in selenium webdriver script.
To Upload file using AutoIT

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class AutoIT
           public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

           System.setProperty("", "chrome driver path");
           WebDriver obj1 = new ChromeDriver();
//        Actions builder= new Actions(obj1);
//        WebElement mouse= obj1.findElement(By.xpath("//b[contains(text(),'Start')]"));
//        builder.moveToElement(mouse).perform();


To show the popup window.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class Auto_notepad {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
       System.setProperty("", "chrome driver path");
       WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
       //Download Text File
       driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'Download Text File')]")).click();

AutoIT Script for Save notepad file or Replace file:

WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
Send("Fleek IT Solutions")
WinMenuSelectItem("*Untitled - Notepad","","&File","&Save")
WinWaitActive("Save As")
ControlFocus("Save As","","Edit1")
ControlSend("Save As","","Edit1","file12.txt")
ControlClick("Save As","","Button2")

if WinWaitActive("Confirm Save As") Then
    ControlClick("Confirm Save As","","Button2")
    WinWaitActive("Save As")
    ControlSend("Save As","","Edit1","file13.txt")
    ControlClick("Save As","","Button2")
    WinWaitActive("file13 - Notepad")
    WinClose("file13 - Notepad")

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