what are the silent symtoms of brain tumor

what are the silent symtoms of brain tumor

The brain is enclosed by the very rigid skull, any growth in the brain can increase the intracranial pressure. Different parts of the brain have different functions, the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor usually vary based on the size of the tumor, its location, and the rate of growth.



The symptoms of brain tumors are mainly due to increased intracranial pressure. The brain is enclosed by the very rigid skull, any growth in the brain can increase the intracranial pressure. Different parts of the brain have different functions, the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor usually vary based on the size of the tumor, its location, and the rate of growth. It is said that only 1% of the world’s population is affected by brain tumors but the scary part is that the symptoms of a brain tumor may look like any other everyday ailments like headache or weakness.

These are a few silent symptoms of a brain tumor which you should be aware of. Remember these symptoms can be common for other brain related ailments too and hence a differential diagnosis by a specialist can only be conclusive. Seizures Seizure is one of the signs of brain tumor reported by one-third of patients diagnosed with a brain tumor. The occurrence of seizures or fits, particularly in those patients who do not have a medical history of fits. Seizures lead to intense abnormal body movements with or without the loss of consciousness.

Unrestrained, prolonged staring along with visual disturbance such as flashes of light is caused by a seizure. Cognitive decline Memory loss and the inability to concentrate or focus on usual activities is a matter of concern and could be a sign of a developing brain tumor.

A brain tumor may also affect the brain’s processing speed. If it takes longer than usual for a person to complete basic tasks, it is best to get a consultation from your doctor at the earliest. Headaches Headache is a common symptom of brain tumor, not all headaches are due to brain tumor, headaches which differs from the normal headaches may be of concern and need an evaluation from a neurologist, headaches which are worse in the morning. Headache while you are sleeping, increased headaches on coughing, sneezing or during exercise, Infrequent, persistent headaches, feeling of increased pressure inside the head, there could also be a new onset or change in the pattern of headaches.

Weakness A person with a brain tumor will not be able to function as efficiently with their arms and legs. They may also experience some clumsiness in walking and loss of balance while walking. Loss of vision A tumor close to the optic nerve can cause vision problems like blurred vision, double vision, loss of peripheral field, abnormal eye movements, in some cases temporary loss of vision may be present. Changes in personality A brain tumor can even alter the behaviour and personality of individuals, and he or she may be irritated, confused, forgetful, lack of interest, may have mood swings, etc. Hearing problems One may experience symptoms related to balance,a constant ringing sensation in their ears, loss of hearing in one ear which may eventually lead to loss of hearing ability. Speech problems A sudden change in the speech, like stuttering or slurred speech and not able to recall or pronounce words, maybe a sign of a brain tumor.

An apparent lag in speech is seen in individuals with brain tumors. Other brain tumor symptoms include extreme sensitivity towards heat or cold, altered taste perception, obesity, hand tremors. Some types of brain tumors proliferate while other tumors grow gradually.

If you are concerned about any such symptoms visit your neurologist, timely detection, and proper treatment at the right time is very important for a good prognosis.

Brain Tumor is one of the most serious forms of a tumor, it is a condition where the brain cells multiply abnormally .Brain is enclosed by the skull which is very rigid .The brain fits exactly into the skull, any growth in the brain can cause an increased pressure inside the skull and the surrounding tissues. This can damage the surrounding brain tissue which can be life threatening.

Causes for Brain tumors There is no specific cause for brain tumors, brain tumor is so variant that we cannot pin- point one cause - It can run in families or it can occur spontaneously where no one in the family had, there are varieties of brain tumors. -It can start in any part of the brain or start somewhere else in the body and reach the brain through blood. -

There may be genetic predisposition for certain tumors depending on how the gene is made up. -There are many syndromes (that is a group of diseases ) which manifest as tumors in the brain and nerves. -Tumors show up in different age groups from children to adults.

The tumor type varies depending on the patient's age and where it occurs. -Some tumors are more common in males while some are more common in females. Different brain tumors present in distinct ways and in nature, Brain tumors have a variety of presentations with distinct specificities.


The signs and symptoms of a brain tumor usually vary based on the size of the tumor, its location and the rate of growth. • Headache is a common symptom of brain tumor, not all headaches are due to brain tumor , below are some of the types of headaches which may differ from the normal headaches which may be of concern and need an evaluation from a neurologist. -Headaches which are worse in the morning -Headache while you are sleeping -Increased headaches on coughing, sneezing or during exercise - Infrequent, persistent headaches, alongside the feeling of increased pressure inside the head. -There could also be a new onset or change in the pattern of headaches Some of the other symptoms are • vomiting • Abrupt vision problems, blurring ,double vision and abnormal eye movement

• Seizure even without any history of it and more in those who have a history of seizures • Loss of appetite • Difficulty in balance, swaying while walking • The weakness of limbs, lethargy or loss of sensation

• Memory problem, confusion in routine things, behavioral changes

• Rapidly enlarging head, in babies or toddlers

• Changes in the ability to hear, taste or smell

• Dizziness or vertigo • Difficulty in writing and reading

• Numbness or tingling on one side of the body

• Decreased alertness, Change in mental functioning

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