Black Leather Jacket

What to wear with a timeless leather jacket?

How to wear a stylish item of clothing that is always in fashion? 5 Style Tips Collected Around the World

Women's biker jacket in images - how to wear a stylish item of clothing that is always in fashion?

What does biker jacket mean? The word refers to one of the greatest fashion hits of all time. The leather motorcycle jacket designed by Irving Schott in 1928. Shop at you can find great clothes for yourself. more details on the website .

The biker jacket owes its name to the traditional zipper. Which was not sewn vertically, like on any other jacket, but at an angle, in other words, obliquely. For the first time, these women's jackets appeared in the wardrobes of fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and Madonna in the 80s.

As a rule, lace dresses or satin corsets were combined with her. To this day, the leather jacket remains a constant hit on fashion catwalks and in celebrity wardrobes. Every season, leather jackets return in both classic and slightly modified versions. In a new color, with a natural leather texture, embroidery or lettering on the back.

For whom is the women's leather jacket the perfect choice? For every woman who knows the trends and history of fashion. Who likes to combine such things with a non-conformist approach in her style. A classic motorcycle jacket, on the one hand, is associated with something exclusive. It always has its own slightly rebellious character. A good feature of this cut is its versatility. Even in large sizes, the leather jacket perfectly models the silhouette, visually narrowing the waist. This is thanks to the diagonally stitched zipper, wide collar and clearly marked shoulders.

Women's leather jacket - an image with jeans for every day.

The women's biker jacket works sensationally in casual styles. With its signature trendy chic and associated with a style that best fits. The definition of versatility, the leather jacket fits literally every style. She is especially fond of jeans - both wardrobe items end up with the same rock mood. A leather jacket paired with jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers will be a great style of the 90s. When paired with denim leggings and heeled sandals, it will take on a more feminine and elegant character. For a biker jacket and casual jeans, you can also use color. Such as wearing a brightly colored sweater under the bottom.

The leather jacket and dress are a timeless formula for all occasions.

Celebrities like to wear women's leather jackets with dresses: Alexa Chung, Alessandra Ambrosio, Sarah Jessica Parker or Gwen Stefani. Just like them, you can play with contrasts by pairing motorcycle jackets with summer dresses or pastel lace designs. If you're going to work, the biker jacket will go well with a pencil dress or a minimalist black knee-length dress.

The women's biker jacket, due to its characteristic fitted cut, can also successfully replace an evening-style jacket. It's not just a good idea for teenagers! Choose a black jacket made from quality leather and pair it with a tulle flared cocktail dress. In general, be sure to choose the right accessories. Delicate sandals with thin straps and a beautiful shiny clutch will add lightness to a rock jacket. But keep in mind that this idea will always be a little rebellious. So ditch it for occasions where the classic evening dress code applies.

A fringed suede biker jacket and a long skirt for a boho look.

The brown fringed suede jacket for women is a boho classic that will not go out of style for years. If you want to look like a modern hippie, pair this jacket with a 70s-inspired dress. Lightweight material with ruffles that fold beautifully in motion. The contrast of leather with chiffon is the key to the best effect! Another idea to look in this style is a leather jacket and a long skirt, preferably in a flower. Overall, add a purse, large earrings, and Roman sandals - favorite accessories for Bohemian-chic Vanessa Hudgens.

Red leather jacket - style ideas for the daring.

What about a red leather jacket? Rock cut paired with such a bold color is something for those girls who don't like to get lost in the crowd. Such a jacket, despite its appearance, is very practical and easy to use. It can be worn with clothing in soothing colors. (white T-shirt, plain cream sweater, jeans, dark chinos, black skirt). In combination with a dress or jumpsuit with prints (always with a red accent). Or in an image composed on the principle of overlapping colors. (for example, a red jacket and a fuchsia dress or orange pants). You can also wear a red leather jacket with a red dress. These fiery total looks have been an absolute hit in street fashion for several seasons!

Accessories for a leather jacket - what to wear with a leather jacket?

Women's leather jacket, as we have already proved, is not a particularly demanding wardrobe item. She does an excellent job with day, office, sports styles, as well as evening. With this awareness, you can match it to any additions. You will always be sure that your look is worthy of publication in Vogue! What is the best leather jacket bag? Depending on whether you are going to a meeting with friends or a party in the club. Combine it with a shoulder bag or, for example, with a trendy clutch in a micro version. You should always keep the proportions. For example, a smooth handbag is better for a fringed leather jacket and a frilled dress.

The same goes for choosing shoes for a leather jacket style. These can be casual or chunky sneakers, casual suede moccasins, ankle boots or heels if you're going to a party. Celebrities like to wear a biker jacket in the company of boots of a similar nature. That is, leather, massive and rough.

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