Distance MBA from Chandigarh University

Why to Choose Distance MBA from Chandigarh University?

Distance MBA is the right choice for any working professional who wants to add brownie points to their degree and career. If you are planning to choose a distance MBA from Chandigarh University then do not hesitate; you are making the right choice in every way.

Why Choose Distance MBA from Chandigarh University?

Chandigarh University is one of the topmost universities worldwide and offers undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma courses in 16 different departments. Chandigarh University is approved by UGC-DEB. The university is also accredited to NAAC with an A grade and also offers distance education. The university is extremely known for its excellent research and innovative knowledge. Chandigarh University is also known for its incredible faculty of distance education and has been emerging in the same since ages. The distance learning department of Chandigarh University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses with an excellent management system. The distance learning department is known as the Institute of Online and Distance Learning (IDOL). The university aims to promote distance education for the students who find difficulty in taking on-campus classes.  

MBA turns out to be one of the most selling courses around the world. Distance MBA, however, is also reaching heights. Chandigarh University offers distance MBA at an affordable rate and has a brilliant management system. Chandigarh University Learning Management System is said to be the best management system which is just a click away. 

The university provides flexible time slots for classes and also offers study material as per the requirements of the learners. The distance education offered at Chandigarh University is reasonably affordable. Considering the fact that a lot of students with a willingness to work professionally along with studying, CU has made distance education an easily available option for them. Distance MBA is an amazing option for the working professionals who wish to upgrade their qualifications and have better job options.

Eligibility and Duration of Distance MBA 

 You are eligible for a distance MBA if you have completed your graduation in any relevant domain from a recognized university. The professionals who have completed certification in CA, CS, ICWA, etc. are also eligible to apply for a distance MBA at Chandigarh University – IDOL. The duration of the course is a minimum of 2 years and is divided into 4 semesters.  

Fee Structure and Specializations offered

The fee structure at Chandigarh University for distance MBA is INR 26, 400 for each semester. However, the fee structure for a regular MBA is comparatively higher than that of a distance MBA. This makes distance MBA much more affordable for everyone and thus removing the financial barrier. Chandigarh University offers different specializations in distance MBA such as Finance, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, and International Business. The candidates working professionally in any of the mentioned fields can apply for a distance MBA in their respective specialization and have an upgrade in their qualifications. 


The distance education department of Chandigarh University offers pretty good placement services after the completion of a distance MBA. Normally, the individuals taking up a distance MBA desire to just have an MBA degree in hand; considering the high demand of MBA professionals in the market. They look for better job options in the future and therefore, having knowledge about the placement services is extremely necessary for them. However, Chandigarh University-Institute of Distance and Open Learning offers placements in Amazon, Microsoft, Godrej Pvt. Ltd., Directi, and many more such recruiters. So, it seems rather simple that a distance MBA from Chandigarh University, in all ways, will benefit the working individuals or non-working individuals. 


Often the question of what to study after graduation takes a toll on a lot of students who also wish to have work experience as well. For such dilemmatic situations, distance learning fits as the best solution. It will give you the flexibility of both studying for a degree and having a work environment experience. Distance MBA is the right choice for any working professional who wants to add brownie points to their degree and career. An MBA degree will always boost up your career and will also raise up your job options in the future. Also, Chandigarh University serves the best faculty and management for distance learning courses. So, if you are planning to choose a distance MBA from Chandigarh University then do not hesitate; you are making the right choice in every way.  

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