Aubrey Taylor

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Hi, I am Aubrey Taylor, working as a product manager in Rananjay Exports for the last five years. Rananjay Exports are the online most trusted wholesale gemstone jewelry manufacturer based in India, catering to the needs of its clients since 2013. we have a wide selection of gemstone silver Larimar jewelry and other like ethically sourced from the.

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Member Since: 08-Sep-2021

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Wholesale Sterling Silver Larimar Jewelry The rare blue Caribbean gemstone is a variety of silicate mineral pectolite found only in the remote mountain range in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. It was formed when the volcanic activity caused the unique mixture of minerals in the hydrothermal fluid to cool and crystallize into the gemstone. This stone is found in various shades of white, blue, green, with blue being the most desirable. The Larimar jewelry embodies the tranquil sea and the sky energies, and it is an excellent stone for finding the soulmate. Hence, Rananjay Exports being the most authentic place to buy silver Larimar jewelry. Larimar jewelry Shop Now :


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