Confidus Solutions

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Company formation worldwide! International business advisory, tax planning, bank account opening, company registration included in wealth management suite by Confidus Solutions.

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Total Blogs: 5
Rewardbloggers Score: 2871
Member Since: 03-Dec-2020

My Blogs

Nominee services

One of the advantages of using nominee services - is protection of assets, therefore, the confidentiality clause is e...

Economy of Hong Kong

The corporate tax in Hong Kong is set at 16.5%. Personal income tax ranges from 0% to 15%, depending on your specific...

Business structure - Trust

A trust is a company that acts as an asset manager (fiduciary) for another business. It is a legal arrangement whereb...

Holding companies

As of 2016, the world’s top three holding companies by trade revenue are: Kraft Foods Inc. The Coca-Cola Company ...

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