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A professional young blogger with over 4 years of experience working within the Digital Marketing communications industry. Practical knowledge, understanding, and experience for a wide range of business disciplines including project management, campaign setup, commercial services, E-Commerce, charitable and civil service sectors. Sharing what work.

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"digital marketing" "seo" "social media marketing" ''ppc" "content marketing" ''project management" "youtube marketing"
Total Posts: 0
Total Blogs: 3
Rewardbloggers Score: 4172
Member Since: 27-Apr-2020

My Blogs

Effects of Law Marketing & Penetration into th...

Law firms can market their name via digital ads and make a list of potential leads requiring legal assistance on an u...

What is the Exact Meaning of Property Insurance...

No one can ever predict damage due to their owned property and imagine how costly these damages can be, if not covere...

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