Erp companies in UAE

5 Key Things to know while Implementing an ERP System

ERP aka Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the key areas of every organization’s success. Implementing an ERP system involves major acts like moving data over to the new system,

ERP aka Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the key areas of every organization’s success. Implementing an ERP system involves major acts like moving data over to the new system, modify existing processes or adopt new processes, training users on these processes and the tool itself. Even though on paper these changes seem to be simple, this can quickly go south if not done with the assistance of the right ERP implementation partner. An ERP implementation should be like a hot knife on a butter cake, smooth and easy. With the right partner, this is not only possible but also quite common. Before you sleeve up to implement or update your ERP systems at your organization, make sure you team up with the top ERP companies in UAE. We summed up the five key areas where you should focus while implementing an ERP system. 

1. Selecting the right software

There are a number of software tools available in the market for ERP process management. Understanding your organizational process and selecting the right software is very important. Most often ERP implementations require heavy customizations and the software you choose must be flexible to handle that. ERP software can handle a wide variety of areas such as financial management, project management, supply chain management, people management, etc. So having a holistic understanding of the area of implementation is also very important. This will help you to zero in on the right tool. The best-suggested way is to partner with one of the ERP  software solutions in Dubai and be at peace of mind with the implementation.

2. Planning your implementation 

Planning an ERP implementation is perhaps the most important step in the whole process. Implementation of ERP systems spans multiple steps. The first being discovery where the scope of implementation is defined. This is done after collecting all the necessary details about the modules undergoing transition. Also, this phase is where you commit with your ERP implementation partner about going ahead. The next phase is to analyze and build. It involves analyzing the existing processes and building ERP modules for them. Then these modules will be tested for functionality and stability and thereby making them ready for deployment. You need to make sure that you don’t fall into the trap of a requirement loop, a situation where requirements keep on changing and causing major delays in deployment. Check out ERP solution providers in Dubai and their method of implementation. Each company may have a unique method for implementation.

3. People Process Technology Model

It’s been said that this is the success mantra behind every successful technology change. People, Process and Technology are the three main pillars in any organization. These entities need to work coherently under any circumstances to ensure smooth operations of the organizations. Processes shape around people and eventually technology gets adapted to it or rather remove the redundancy and make the combo work more effectively. During ERP implementations, identify all the processes undergoing the transition and check them to make sure they are relevant and worthy so that the ERP module can be customized to build those processes.  This is because sometimes manual processes originate out of nowhere and then get passed between different people in the same team or organization. Effective processes will make sure that Technology works for people and not the other way around.  A successful ERP implementation should create efficient processes that drive up productivity.

4. Training the users

Implementing a successful ERP in Dubai is only half the battle. The remaining half is user training. You have to train your employees extensively to use the ERP platform you just implemented. A failure of this causes a number of issues including reduced productivity and revenue leaks. If the employees are not using the system as it is intended, bottlenecks can happen out of nowhere, ledgers may not match, and so on.  So training employees is one of the important factors of ERP implementation. If you choose ERP companies in Dubai, most of them provide best-in-class user training programs as well. 

5. Hiring the right partners to implement the ERP system

All the above factors can be daunting if you choose the wrong vendor to implement the changes in your organization. The firm you chose to partner with for the ERP implementation should have sound knowledge about the nooks and corners of the implementation and also should have subject matter expertise pertaining to your organization’s business. Thus they will be able to work hand in hand with your technical and business teams and deliver a top-notch implementation as expected. They should also provide user training for all the modules they implement. As said earlier, ERP implementation often goes through a high level of customizations and the implementation team is the only group that can train the users on that. So make that your implementation team agrees to train the users as well. Overall choosing the right ERP implementation team makes all the difference in your journey towards ERP tools.




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