best mattress for back pain in India

5 Signs you are sleeping On the Wrong Mattress

Usually, most of us do not think much about our mattresses. However, it is quite odd because we spend a lot of time in our lives on it.

Usually, most of us do not think much about our mattresses. However, it is quite odd because we spend a lot of time in our lives on it. Just because while sleeping we are unconscious that does not make our mattress less important. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. A good night’s sleep is important for your mental and physical health. Therefore, in this article, we will make you understand when it is the right time to say bye to your old mattress and replace it with the best mattress for back pain in India.

1)     Your Mattress is 7 to 10 Years Old

The first reason that you should change your mattress is its age. It is suggested that you should change your mattress every 7 to 10 years. This is the maximum time that your high-end mattress can provide you with comfort and support. However, usually, we forgot when we bought the mattress. Therefore, it is better that you write it down in your diary.


2)    You are Experiencing Insomnia

Another reason to invest in a new mattress is Insomnia. If you are not able to sleep easily or staying asleep, it might not because of the tea or coffee you had in the evening. Sometimes, the reason could be your mattress. Therefore, if you cannot sleep or more often wake up during the midnight and adjust positions, it is the right time to replace your mattress because your mattress is not providing you with the proper comfort your body needs.


3)    You are Waking Up with the Body Pain

A good mattress = happy body. Idyllically, if you are sleeping on the right material and getting adequate sleep then you should wake up every morning feeling good and refreshed. However, if you are waking up with back pain or body pain then it is the right time to invest in the brand new best mattress for back pain in IndiaGenerally, when your mattress gets old, it does not give you the kind of support you need. So, it makes your body work overtime during the night and due to that, you are falling asleep. In short, if you are continuously waking up with morning back pain and it gets better throughout the day then it is time to replace your old mattress.


4)    You Have Memory Foam Mattress

If you have a mattress that is made up of memory foam then it is quite difficult to determine if there is a problem. Memory foam is intended to ease your body. Therefore it not odd for you to feel yourself is sinking. The main thing with memory foam is that it tends to get softer over time. Therefore, if you feel yourself sinking deeper than 2 inches into the foam then it is time to invest in brand new best orthopedic memory foam mattress in India.


5)    Your Skin Does Not Look Good

Lack of sleep can induce stress hormones cortisol. If this hormone’s level increases then your skin loses its firmness and elasticity. Your skin becomes dull and you might experience itchy skin conditions like eczema. Therefore, if your skin is not looking good then it is better to purchase a new mattress.

Concluding Remarks

In summary, sleep is an essential function of our health and when you do not get enough sleep it can be the reason for wrinkles. Obviously, nobody likes it. We all know that health is wealth and replacing an old mattress with the best orthopedic memory foam mattress in India is an excellent, simple, and inexpensive way to protect it. Therefore, do yourself a favor by understanding the above signs to purchase a new mattress and give yourself a gift of good night’s sleep.

So, if you are in search of the best ultra-premium mattress brand in India then connect with Bianca - We ensure you have a sound sleep by helping you in finding the mattress that suits you the most.

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