Revolution In Learning

Augmented Reality in Education: A Trigger For The Next Revolution In Learning

By definition, Augmented Reality is overlaying digital content onto the real world by use of everyday gadgets such as your phone or any other connected devices. In simple words, it is merging a digitally created environment with real-world surfaces for better intuitive control in the hands of users.

By definition, Augmented Reality is overlaying digital content onto the real world by use of everyday gadgets such as your phone or any other connected devices. In simple words, it is merging a digitally created environment with real-world surfaces for better intuitive control in the hands of users. The viral Pokemon Go game and Instagram filters are a fine example to depict real-life use of AR. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) is not just limited to the entertainment industry. Rather, nowadays, it is being integrated with many other fields such as Education, Healthcare, Air & Space, Journalism, real estate, automotive, etc. Of all these, education is one sector where AR can truly make a difference.


To date, education is just about learning what is available through written text or presented in the form of vibrant images, be it on books or presented digitally. But this method has not been sufficient to spark every child’s curiosity. Here is where AR can transform the meaning of education completely. Most educators today have realized that AR provides a big breakthrough when it comes to learning. It’s a means to explore even the most abstract concepts in a distraction-free environment, allowing learners to deeply connect with the idea, regardless of their field of study. With AR, teachers can transform the boring Geography and History lesson into a far more enjoyable and realistic experience.


Realizing the potential of AR in learning and the numerous opportunities it presents, many Mobile App Development Companies have begun working on innovative apps to sync your mobile device with the latest AR gadgets. Apart from these, there are many classroom and self-learning apps that have been making a huge difference in the way today’s children are now learning things. Let’s understand how every learner, be it a toddler, a regular school student, a college student, or even a PhD holder are being benefited from the AR technology.


  1. Boosts Learning Retention


As per research, our brain retains 10% of what we read, 20% of anything learnt through hearing, 30% of what we see, and up to 90% of actions we perform. That’s why the latest education techniques, especially for young minds, include many practical experiences. The immersive and innovative digital AR tools are here to facilitate experiential learning in students, thereby ensuring that most of what they learn stays for long.


  1. Improved Engagement


Learning through AR nudges students to become active participants in the learning process, leading to a much-heightened engagement rate. It further leads to inculcating high-order skills like critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication. These 4Cs help students learn the practical implementations of concepts they learn in school, thereby improving their mental dexterity.


  1. Hardware-Free Content Consumption 


Nowadays, books are becoming obsolete as the music box, with educators and learners relying on digital mediums to share knowledge. It’s a reason why Android App Development companies are emerging with innovative AR applications to aid in developing the young minds for a bright future. With AR, students need not rely on special gadgets, just their smartphone is enough to convey the entire information in a practical manner.


  1. Empowering Educators and Learners


Teachers' conventional role in a students’ life is changing, with learning no more being restricted to the 4-walls of a classroom. With the inclusion of technology, as developed as Augmented Reality, teachers are now aided with the right tools to deliver an enhanced learning experience.

For students, AR helps in learning at their own pace, while at the same time enhancing their capability to retain more information in a short time span. If planned and organized in the right manner, learning through AR techniques and tools, helps students grasp concepts much faster and in a far more efficient manner.


In a Nutshell


Although Augmented Reality holds a promising future in the education sector, it still is in the development phase. We are just beginning on the road to transition from writing to codifying knowledge. However, when fully operational, digital storytelling through AR is sure to empower every young mind with the right tools to begin their professional career at a very young age. AR is all set to make waves in education. Many Education App Development Companies such as InnovationM, RedByte, Appinventiv, Code Brew Labs, siliconmint, etc. are working towards embedding the latest technologies into our education system.


AR gives friction-free access to the various learning tools, thereby providing instantaneous information to anyone possessing the right means. Not only that, with AR students can now even learn the practical implications of highly risk-prone experiments or learn how to use heavy machinery and expensive pieces of equipment through a virtual model. All in all, Augmented Reality amplifies the power of education, by simplifying the learning process. It breaks down all barriers that until now have been stopping individuals from progressing in the field of education.


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