How to choose Feng Shui Consultant

In this article, we have mentioned the proper tips to choose Feng Shui Consultant. Hope that will help you in choosing the right consultant for your problems.

“If happiness doesn't come to you, make it come.”

Feng Shui has been used from ancient times to select the appropriate place for cities, monuments, gardens, and the placement of different objects. And Feng Shui is still basking in the spotlight. It’s still used by many for location or interiors selection or placement, be it for home, office or for the garden.

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What exactly is Feng-Shui?

Feng-Shui, a Chinese belief whose origin dates back to 4000 BC, is an art of arrangement of interiors. This art claims to attract positiveness by controlling the energy flow and by balancing Yin(dark) and Yang(light) energy.

Feng means “Air” while Shui means “Water” i.e. Air transports the positive energy inside the area whereas Water holds it.

Chi is called the universal energy and such an arrangement within the space removes the blockage for the good chi attracting positive energy while preventing the flow of negative one.

The final result of good Feng Shui and proper placement of interiors is attracting positive energy and harmonizing life-improving health, wealth, career and relationship.

There are many Feng Shui Consultants out there who claims to be trained practitioners and expert in their areas. They provide you either with telephonic consultation or on-site one. Their fees are quite expensive because some charge by the hour while some charge according to the size of the space. So beware of fraudulent one. So a proper evaluation is required.

While searching for the best, don’t miss out on the Best Feng Shui Consultants in Lucknow who strengthens the power of property while building the connection between outer and inner world enhancing life.

So here the question which comes to our mind is “How to choose Feng Shi Consultant Online

First of all, you need to be clear about your expectations from the consultant i.e. what area of aspect in life is not on your side and what are your expectations from the consultant. Need is for residential or commercial purpose has to be taken into consideration.

Secondly, proper research on what Feng Shui exactly do is needed.

You’ll be able to find websites of different Feng Shui Consultants on the internet which will be quite confusing. Check out the ratings and read some of their testimonials.

You can also find one of the best Feng Shui Consultants in Delhi with expertise in this field and will help to activate the positive energy in your property.

You can also ask for recommendations from your relatives, friends or colleagues because it is said that word of mouth gives you the best.

The most important factor while looking up for a Consultant is checking out their educational qualification, experience, and their fees. Some consultants tend to be an author or blogger too. So, reading their research will help you understand their mentality and skills.

Also Read- Feng Shui Consultation For Your Life

Once selected, a phone conversation to find out the needs and setting the meeting date and time is done. Before the property survey, they’ll put up some questions regarding the date of birth of family members or the owners, date of construction or renovation if done and will also study the floor plan. During the evaluation, the color of walls, positioning of interiors and lightning are taken into consideration by the Consultant. They will find out the problem spaces and will provide you with the necessary changes to be done inside the house or office.

Feng Shui Consultants tends to change the placement of interiors while keeping the clients’ tastes and preferences in mind which not only enhances their life but also provides a sense of warmness, positiveness and harmonious atmosphere in the space.

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