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How to Design REST APIs that are Easy to Understand and Secure?

Web services have been around for years now and will stay here as long as HTTP protocol exists. REST is a popular resource-based architectural style for developing APIs, especially when you need a secure, future-centric, and fast platform.

REST API (Representational State Transfer) is widely used web services nowadays, allowing browser apps to interact with the server via the REST API or JSON. As a result, it is essential to shape it properly so that you won’t run into bugs in the end. 

Ease of use, performance, and security are the three main aspects that should be taken into consideration. There are several ways a network application can be ruined, so make sure to manage REST API or use JSON web API correctly with the standard HTTP protocol to eliminate the potential problems. 

This article will give you a clear understanding of how to design REST API that is easy to consume, future-proof, and secure so that the information remains confidential. Let’s get started!

Accept and Use JSON

JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is an open standard format that eradicates the need for ad-hoc code for each application to interact with servers in a comprehensive manner. The module exposes implementation to data structures and stores such as bundles, entity types, and fields.

Therefore, REST API should accept JSON to transfer data in a defined way, especially when you’re involved in forex trading or building a third-party tool.

Use Nouns Instead of Verbs 

Since the HTTP request technique already has a verb, having verbs in API endpoints path won’t be useful and make it long which doesn’t send new information wisely. The actions should be defined by HTTP methods that include GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and PATCH. These endpoints consider all the JSON as the request body and return JSON as a response by using nouns rather than verbs.

Name Collections Using Plural Nouns

It isn’t pretty common that you receive a single item, so you should be consistent with your naming structure by using the plural nouns. This will make sure about the consistently in the databases. Tables typically have over one entry and are named to convey that, so stay consistent with them and follow the same language to access the API easily.

Use Resource Nesting to Show Hierarchy 

Resource objects usually have a functional hierarchy or are interlinked with each other. Thus, make sure that your nested sources match with the database tables to avoid the confusion. It is a great idea to halt the nesting to one level in REST API to achieve superior outcomes.

Handle Errors Wisely 

To avoid certain confusion for API users when occurs happen, you should manage errors properly and return HTTP response codes that show the sign of errors. This can help to accumulate information regarding the problem that is bringing down the system. The sooner you detect the problem through API testing, the faster, secure, and easier it will become to resolve it.


The best way to design high-functional REST APIs is to maintain an adequate amount of consistency with web standards and conventions. JSON web API, SSL/TLS, HTTP status codes are the core building blocks to take the system towards a defined path. 

REST API doesn’t follow technical limits so ensure to take user experience into account to make the API solutions visible and easy to comprehend. If you’re using it as an automated forex trading system, execute it correctly to enhance your performance and results.

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