Internet Security

Internet Security

Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the Internet.

Definition - What does Internet Security mean?

Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the Internet. Generally, Internet security encompasses browser security, the security of data entered through a Web form, and overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet Protocol.

Techopedia explains Internet Security

Internet security relies on specific resources and standards for protecting data that gets sent through the Internet. This includes various kinds of encryption such as Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Other aspects of a secure Web setup includes firewalls, which block unwanted traffic, and anti-malware, anti-spyware and anti-virus programs that work from specific networks or devices to monitor Internet traffic for dangerous attachments.

Internet security is generally becoming a top priority for both businesses and governments. Good Internet security protects financial details and much more of what is handled by a business or agency’s servers and network hardware. Insufficient Internet security can threaten to collapse an e-commerce business or any other operation where data gets routed over the Web.

What is the difference between security and privacy?

Security and privacy are closely linked, and both are part of the emerging debate on new technologies. However, security and privacy are two different sides of how the use of data and modern devices affects us.

Security is an overarching principle in IT. As more new technologies become connected by networks such as global IP and wireless telecom networks, there is more attention paid to how to control data and how to make it secure. Security architectures can include very different components, from endpoint security practices that control the display of data on smartphones and tablets, to "data in use" network security practices that protect network data and infrastructure from hacking or cyberattacks.

Privacy is a bit of a different issue having to do with an individual's right to own the data generated by his or her life and activities, and to restrict the outward flow of that data.

It’s true that in many cases, security and privacy are tandem operational goals. In other words, the same safeguards that offer data security offer privacy for users. But in another sense, privacy is something that may not be built into security efforts, or seen as a necessary objective by big companies or government agencies.

The debate around the mining of personal data by the government, corporations and other agencies shows the difference between security and privacy. Most major organizations see digital security as paramount, while ignoring the digital privacy of users and others. For example, government agencies may help to ensure that private businesses don’t get access to some kinds of personal information regarding citizens, but at the same time, that same agency may be looking to get their hands on the information for other objectives. Many of these issues will continue to come up as different parties struggle to acquire, control and safeguard data.

What is the difference between security architecture and security design?

Both security architecture and security design are elements of how IT professionals work to provide comprehensive security for systems. However, these two terms are a bit different.

Security architecture is the set of resources and components of a security system that allow it to function. Talking about security architecture means talking about how a security system is set up, and how all of its individual parts work, both individually and as a whole. For example, looking at a resource like a network monitor or security software application in the context of the overall system could be described as addressing security architecture.

Security design refers to the techniques and methods that position those hardware and software elements to facilitate security. Items like handshaking and authentication can be parts of network security design. By contrast, the applications, tools or resources that facilitate handshaking and authentication would be parts of the security architecture. Part of the reason that security architecture and security design so often go in the same sentence is that pros are using sets of resources (the architecture) to implement the concept (the design) in effective ways that guard both "data in use" (as it is transmitted through a system) and "data at rest" (data that is archived.)

IT professionals use various principles and ideas to address security design. Some examples are the use of conceptual security domains or levels, where creating a vast gap between an elite number of administrators and a large number of users is one way to protect a system. Direct monitoring and control of data in use are also common security design elements. IT professionals may also talk about layering or abstraction as additional design elements, where separating various parts of a security architecture can provide better security and abstraction, or closed-door engineering can prevent some of the kinds of reverse engineering that lead to security breaches.

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