trending web design

Web Design Trends 2020

Every day thousands of newly developed websites are added to intensify the competition. Here we have collated a list of ten web design trends for your next project.

Websites and web-related resources are becoming an integral part of our daily lives. So as demand for web design skills increases — a lot of us may still not know what exactly is web design. In simple words, It is an art of planning and designing websites from scratch. There are a number of small aspects that fall under the wider web development umbrella, such as website architecture, user interface and user experience, webpage layout, navigation, colors, fonts, and overall graphics. With the combination of all these, web designers are busy creating masterpieces that absolutely stand out in the crowd.

Some Interesting Fact About Web Design and Development

The number of unique internet users worldwide is increasing drastically. According to the Internet live stats, there are approximately 543 million active websites on the internet. 

The website development sector is flourishing. Hence, businesses are eager to make their footprints on the digital platform with the help of a website. 

73% of companies invest in web designing to differentiate their brand from the competition. A unique design is what every company needs. Clients universally appreciate it.

A survey found that 38% of people will stop visiting a website if its design is sloppy and unattractive. If consumers have about 15 minutes or less to spend online, 59% of them choose to hang out on elegantly designed websites instead of plain and simple ones.

If the company website is not mobile-friendly, almost 48% of visitors consider it a sign that the business does not appear cautious about its customers.

Google considers website speed as one of the parameters to rank web pages; 

47 % of website visitors expect the sites to load in 2 seconds or less. Cutting down the loading time of your website to 2 seconds can boost the conversion rate by up to 74%.

Let’s dig right into web design trends 2020. These trends are the perfect blend of visual designing and emerging technologies. 

1) Use of Whitespace and Simplistic/Minimalist Design

It’s often said that simplicity attracts more than complexity, The minimalist trend in web design has become popular today, The best thing about this design trend is that while it continuously evolves and looks modern and classy. 

2) Dark Theme Design

The dark theme is a buzz word in the market as many businesses integrate dark mode themes on their website. This mode of web design not only looks ultra-modern but also easily attracts colours and design elements to the eyes. Dark themes are suitable for OLED screens as they help in saving power and increasing screen duration. 

3) Retro Styled or Vintage Web Design

The retro era is back, this year, we are going to experience the early 50s, and 60s inspired vintage or retro style websites as the latest trends in web design. Many designers use effects that remind us of the vintage period, such as faded colors, black-and-white photos, classic images, vintage typography, etc. 

4) Combination of Illustration and Photos

We are witnessing another stunning trend in web design, where photos or images combine with a simple hand-drawn 2D sketch. It’s a well-known fact that custom illustration is an excellent way to highlight your brand.

5) Data Visualization in Web Design

Data visualizations look creative, appealing, useful, and never misleading. Designers are creators of visuals. Many people understand visual information better than text information. Data visualization is an effective way of quantitative representation data visually.


After considering every factor, we can say this year we would witness some significant development by the web design companies. The fusion of two or more technologies will be trending. 


This blog was originally published on Sphinx Solutions.

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