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What Expat Families Should Know About the Importance of the CBSE

For expatriate parents who are relocating within India, caring for children means more than just ensuring they have love and support at home.

Moving internationally is a big deal for your entire family. Not only do you have work-related concerns, numerous tasks related to housing and citizenship to attend to, and your own mental and emotional health to worry about, you have your children to nurture and guide through the process too. That’s no small feat!

For expatriate parents who are relocating within India, caring for children means more than just ensuring they have love and support at home. It means securing the best possible educational opportunities for them, regardless of where your family is residing. Thankfully, there is a consistent, reliable curriculum that can help you achieve this goal. 

The Central Board of Secondary Education 

Originally formed in 1962 with the goal of creating a more stable and consistent education across all of India, the Central Board of Secondary Education is now the gold standard of Indian education. From its humble origins of only about 300 affiliated institutions to well over 20,000 schools today, the board has changed the face of education for international and local schools alike, establishing common standards and ensuring the consistent quality of education across all platforms. 

The primary objectives of the board are and have always been to create innovative and adaptive learning environments that cater to the needs of students and their families, all while maintaining a standard of excellence in instruction. In charge of reforms whenever they are necessary, they have instituted numerous beneficial changes to the common approach to teaching, evaluation, and training for both teachers and students that prepares these pupils for life after their secondary education. Whether students go on to pursue higher learning or enter the workforce, the goal is that they will be ready with modern skills for modern applications. 

Change is a central part of the CBSE mission. While certain standards have been long-held since before the inception of the board itself, many have changed alongside society over the decades. Today’s students need a different approach to learning than did their parents and grandparents, and the focus of the board will continue to be preparing pupils for the jobs and lives they will lead after their secondary education concludes. With the implementation of rigorous and well-rounded testing at the tenth and twelfth-grade levels that help evaluate students’ readiness for the next steps, it’s no wonder over 200 schools outside of India have already partnered with the CBSE to reform their own paths to success. 

What to Know About CBSE Schools 

CBSE schools focus on the NCERT curriculum. NCERT - the National Council of Educational Research and Training - has its foundations in preparing students to live successful lives after they finish school. With a balanced approach to learning, students will enjoy arts and social science education alongside traditional fundamentals like reading, science, and math. 

Always looking to keep students competitive in the international job market as well as creative, schools that follow the NCERT curriculum also enjoy exposure to media and electronics education. These skills will allow students to stay digitally literate and operate in a society that is increasingly online - especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact worldwide. 

As they have adapted to so many other global and societal changes, so too have schools under the NCERT curriculum led by the CBSE adapted to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students in 2020-2021 will be learning from the comfort and safety of home, while schools continue to provide excellent education through online outreach and remote instruction. It’s just one more way that these schools are changing their models to reflect the needs of expatriate and natural citizens alike, providing for Indian children and families. Perhaps never has there been a better time for such a modern and dynamic approach to education than today! 

Where Can You Find a CBSE School for Your Child?

Interested in everything the CBSE’s NCERT curriculum has to offer for your child? That’s good news if you are part of an expatriate family relocating into or within the boundaries of India. International schools in the area largely follow two curricula, and the NCERT offered by CBSE is by far the more popular option for families like yours. 
Finding a CBSE school in Dubai isn’t difficult; numerous academies follow this curriculum as part of an effort to unify education across the world region and ensure that children - no matter where their families may travel - can receive strong, beneficial, and consistent education. Before you commit to a school, be sure to inquire about what curriculum they follow and how they approach education. You’ll be pleased to learn just how many options you have - and how many benefits your student stands to enjoy as a result.

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