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An OCS (Online Charging System) has become an integral part of telecom billing as it allows for both event based and session based charging in real time. It calculates charges for a particular call on the basis of CDRs (Call Data Record) and updates the result on the billing system. This telecom charging system is capable of handling account balan.

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iot billing iot data iot sensors iot platform
Total Posts: 0
Total Blogs: 2
Rewardbloggers Score: 7691
Member Since: 27-Apr-2020

My Blogs

Serve Every 5G Requirement Better with Real-Tim...

5G poses new challenges for telecom operators that can be only fulfilled with a top-notch billing and charging platfo...

Internet of Things Advantage for Overall Busine...

Get access to the best Internet of Things platform to overtake competition. Rise and shine with truly consistent conn...

5 Future Trends That Have the Power to Transfor...

Blockchain technology has become extremely popular because of its success in Bitcoin trade. It is a robust platform w...

IoT Potential in the World of Changing Technology

The future holds great promises for IoT. There are many industries, in which, IoT can be integrated for overhauling a...

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