7 Mistakes to Avoid When Developing React Native Apps

Mobile applications have controlled the life of every individual. The mobile app development industry is flourishing, and it is predicted that it will keep harvesting high benefits in the future also!

Due to the continuously increasing number of mobile phone users and mobile applications, the app development industry has become a great opportunity for new entrepreneurs. Business owners wish to become the most trusted brand by building up the best mobile application.

For mobile app developers, the primary choice to make is choosing the right programming platform to create a glitch-free application. Out of so many options available for mobile app development, one option you might consider is React Native. Like any other platform, React Native is not free from challenges. There are some things that you keep in mind while developing a React Native app to avoid any issues. Let us first have a brief idea about what a React Native


What is React Native?

Introduced by Facebook, React Native is a mobile app development framework. It supports developers to create an excellent cross-platform mobile application with a native look and feel. It uses JavaScript and has an easy installation process. Let's know some benefits of choosing React Native for developing a mobile app.

  • Optimal performance
  • Code reusability
  • Large community
  • Cost-effective
  • Modular architecture
  • Hot reloading support
  • Simple user interface
  • Offers more stable apps
  • Third-party plugin support
  • Handy solution and library


With such a great advantage, what makes React Native a challenging platform to develop a mobile app. Sometimes app developers commit mistakes while developing React Native mobile apps without realizing it.  In this article, we will put a light on some common mistakes done by app developers for mobile app development based on React Native.

Here are seven of the most common mistakes an app developer should avoid while developing a mobile app using React Native:


Incorrect Estimation


  • Layout for iOS and Android version 

There will be various reusable elements, yet there could likewise be different designs and layouts. Indeed, the simple structure of an application page can be diverse on iOS and Android.

  • Forms

You must estimate the validation layout. Writing code in React Native takes more code writing as compared to creating a hybrid application on supposed Cordova.

  • For Web Apps:

Check the various endpoints offered by the backend. To get everything done correctly from a logical point of view, you must code properly. A clear understanding of database structure and the connection of entities is required. 


Avoiding External Modules Codes

It is a very common approach for developers to save time through external modules. When they came to the documentation part, it made the entire process easy and fast. But, sometimes modules break or they might not work accordingly. This is the main reason that developers should read the code and follow the best practice while working on React Native. This is the best practice to identify what is wrong with a module and resolve it.


Wrong Redux Store Planning

App designers focus more on designing the product when they get an inventive project and less on the data handling part. Redux provides proper data storage and helps to control the state of the device for data handling. It acts as a powerful tool to manage the information of the device when it is properly designed. It is strongly recommended to developers plan their Redux store properly to avoid any issues. 


Avoid Conducting Unit Testing

While creating React Native apps avoiding unit testing is the most common mistake. It happens because the app can still perform no matter whether you conduct unit testing or not. But, the main problem arrives when the app finally goes out on the app store realm. Testing before the launch is always a good practice to test better functionality. 


Leaving "console.log" Statement

The "Console.log" statement is very helpful. They also provide assistance in-app debugging. But, what are the consequences of leaving the log statement in the app? This can end up being a significant issue if you render the techniques and methods inside. This eventually prompts the application to turn out to be slower. 


Not optimizing React Native Images

The React Native app images must be optimized and it is a high priority task. It offers the image optimization locally and then uploading those on the Cloud platform like the s3 by the developer and getting the CDN to connect which at that point can be returned utilizing API.


Using stateless component for gaining React Native performance

Stateless components do not extend any class. It accepts the arguments as display and props in the DOM. It offers some benefits like

  • Easy testing ability 
  • Fast implementation
  • Does not use state or the local variables 


With the constantly changing mobile app trends, it is vital for a developer to use pure components when they create React Native mobile apps. 


There are many other mistakes that mobile app developers commit while React Native app development. But the above mentioned are the most common ones. Such mistakes must be avoided. Because mobile app development is easy for tech experts yet complex tasks. Any small mistake can harm your brand reputation and also the performance of your mobile app. To avoid any major issue you can hire React Native mobile app development company tailor to your business needs. An experienced firm has fewer chances of missing out on any important factor.


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