online yin yoga teacher training course

Lessons I Learnt From Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course

Training in Yin Yoga is very different from any other yoga styles. It is a specialization that yoga teachers also include in their daily practice for deep stretches as well as for a rejuvenating experience.

Training in Yin Yoga is very different from any other yoga styles. It is a specialization that yoga teachers also include in their daily practice for deep stretches as well as for a rejuvenating experience. 

I was introduced to Yin Yoga by a friend as an effective rehab alternative. I had just recovered from an ACL injury, and I wanted to be physically fit once again. I did not want to practice difficult asanas, and my focus was on precise movements to make my muscles strong. Curious to know more, I found a YouTube video of Yogi Ram Jain explaining Yin Yoga. I was surprised because the asanas were slow-paced and comfortable enough for me to practice easily. 

After consulting my physiotherapist, I was allowed to practice Yin Yoga. My search for a good yin yoga program landed me at the Arhanta Yoga Ashram website. They have a online 50-hour Yin Yoga teacher training course with class notes available in 6 languages. The details on the web page included Yin Yoga philosophy, the study of meridians, chakras, and much more. Asana modifications, use of props, anatomy, and physiology were also covered in the course. I was excited that there was so much to learn about Yin Yoga. 

This was my first experience of a yoga class and practicing online was a comfortable option for me. Here are the things I learned from the Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course. 

online yin yoga certificatoin course

Yin Yang theory encourages balance and harmony 

The concept of Yin Yoga has been developed from the Yin Yang Theory. It is inspired by traditional Chinese medicine that is simple but useful to analyze an experience. The course clearly explained the philosophy of the Yin Yang Theory. Yin qualities include traits like receptivity, supportive, tolerance, reflection, and passivity. Yang qualities include action, directing, achieving, and controlling. Yin and Yang qualities are both essential, and neither is superior to the other. Together they promote maintaining a healthy balance between body and mind. 

The study of the principles of Yin and Yang made me realize that living in a busy world only slows our growth. The continuously running mind and the body needs a break to understand its potential naturally.  

The convenience of learning from home

Online learning has improved with a strong internet connection and availability of a variety of yoga classes. Video apps like zoom are easier to download and connect. Live yoga sessions had an almost similar experience as being in a class. Through the online Yin Yoga class, I can meet students from varied cultures. The discussion forum allowed me to exchange productive ideas about Yin Yoga practice. Another advantage of an online course is unlimited support for resolving queries during and after completing the course. All the books, important notes were sent in my email. This has given me the convenience of studying at my own pace. 

Yin Yoga is a passive and effective practice

The class of Yin Yoga is always practiced in a cool environment. The body and mind need to be in a relaxed state. This seemed easier as I was practicing online from the comfort of my home. Instead, each asana of 3 to 5 minutes made me anxious and impatient. I had to make an effort to pause my mind. My body felt stiff from resistance. 

Gradually as I learned how to meditate, my muscles started releasing deep tension, especially around the joints. I also noticed that when the muscles are relaxed, the body responds to better mobility without effort.  After the course, there is a greater awareness of my internal energetic state. 

A well-structured syllabus builds a strong learning foundation 

Every good teacher training course should have a well-structured curriculum. I was glad to be part of Arhanta Yoga Ashram's study module that offered authentic yoga practice. It provided interesting information related to the practice and teaching of Yin Yoga. The sections on anatomy and philosophy were presented to explain its application to the practice properly. Every Yin pose was guided precisely to gain maximum understanding and benefits. The distance of online learning via the zoom app never felt better.  Many techniques were taught to modify asanas according to different body types. The course emphasizes how to make adjustments and when to apply them. 

Every lesson motivated me to study passionately. Yin Yoga provided my body with awareness and analyzing techniques to improve overall health. 

Online support of teachers is a constant motivation 

If the studies of Yin Yoga are tools to improve mobility, then the teacher’s guidance help students how to apply those tools properly. The expert teachers inform the precision required to practice each posture as well as the correct duration. Beginner students hold a pose for at least 3 minutes and slowly increase the time. The experienced teachers suggest how to use modified props for online training that are available at home. These props enhance the stretches while providing support to the weight-bearing joints.  


Training in Yin Yoga has brought a positive transformation in my life. Online Yin Yoga Training Course has improved my awareness of my physical and mental health. My muscle strength and mobility have increased. The facilities provided by Arhanta Yoga Ashram proved to be the best decision of my life.  


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