Enhance Website Loading Speed

Tips For Enhancing Website Loading Speed By Proper Optimization

For Web pages loaded faster on mobile versions, we talk about accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Now, it has become very important to improve the loading speed of the website by proper optimization. 

For Web pages loaded faster on mobile versions, we talk about accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Now, it has become very important to improve the loading speed of the website by proper optimization. 


This optimization can be done in the following ways, 

1. Moving your website to a better host 

2. Reduce server response time 

3. Reduce the number of CSS and JavaScript files 

4. Try to reduce and combine files 


1. Moving your website to a better host Shared hosting 

(a) Hosting Virtual 

(b) Private Servers (VPS) 

(c) Dedicated server 


(a) Shared Hosting - This is the cheapest type of hosting because it shares the processor and RAM, which decreases the speed compared to virtual private hosts and dedicated servers. 


This is the most popular type of hosting in the world that allows you to put your site online very quickly and inexpensively. 


(b) Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting - This is the fastest way to shared hosting. In this, the servers are shared, but it also has your own part of VPS in which no other client can access the information. 


These are useful for sites such as e-commerce, which only increase their traffic for a limited period. 


(c) Dedicated server - This is the most expensive server type It's your own physical server. In this, you rent a server and ask a particular administrator to maintain it.


2. Reduce server response time 

Your DNS lookups affect the loading time of your webpage. DNS refers to the domain name system. It essentially translates the URL to an IP address, while DNS lookups find the specific DNS record in the database. 


For example, suppose you enter the URL of a website, www.facebook.com the DNS will convert it to an IP address which is of course very long and it is difficult for the user to memorize it. This time depends on the speed of your DNS server and in turn, determines the speed of loading the site.


3. Reduce the number of CSS and JavaScript files 

If your site contains a decent JavaScript and CSS archive layout, it generates a large assortment of HTTP requests when visitors to your site need to get too explicit records. 

These requests are managed autonomously by the visitor's program and moderate the work of the site. If you decline the amount of JavaScript and CSS records, your site will not be accelerated. 


Strive to accumulate all of the JavaScript in one and, moreover, inherit all CSS archives. This can reduce all HTTP requests. There is a huge amount of tools to quickly reduce HTML, CSS and JavaScript archives. 

For example, you can use WillPeavy, Script Minifier, or Grunt devices. 


4. Try to reduce and combine files 

As you know, even if small codes can increase the file size, which further reduces the loading speed of the website. It is sometimes necessary to reduce the size of the file. 


The best way to accomplish this task is to start with HTML and JavaScript because they are responsible for the appearance of the website. 


Also, try to minimize and combine small files that add unnecessarily to the file size. The minification here is to remove unnecessary formatting and blank spacing.


If you want to enhance website loading speed by proper optimization then you can talk to SEO consultant India, he is providing good consultation and also fix the speed related issues. It will be beneficial for SEO purpose and also boom your business. 

After enhancing the speed issue on your business website. The customer will easily visit all the pages and engage in it. It will affect the bounce rate and generate more leads. 

Author Bio

Sandeep Mehta is an SEO Expert and Website Designer having 5+ years of experience. He has done a tremendous job in his experience. He has designed multiple niche websites on WordPress and other CMS. He has also done SEO for different categories of businesses and increase online presence over Google. Apart from that, his expertise in digital marketing expert and social media marketing expert. 

Read More: https://www.sandeepmehta.co.in/

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