Dr. Brian Cable

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Dr. Brian Cable’s medical career is centered around serving others. He is an orthopedic surgeon who enjoys the physical and cognitive challenges of his field.

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Member Since: 18-Aug-2022

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Dr. Brian Cable is an orthopedic surgeon and lives by the tenet that medicine requires a combined effort between the patient and physician. He graduated from UCLA and is a member of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons. He was published in the 2019 issue of Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. Visit at: https://wikitia.com/wiki/Dr._Brian_Cable


Dr. Brian Cable, MD is a practicing orthopedic surgeon whose subspecialty is sports medicine. He has consulted for telemedicine and practiced privately, serving his patients in multiple ways. Dr. Cable received his medical degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and has practiced medicine in Pennsylvania and California.Visit: https://about.me/dr.briancable


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