Microsoft Dynamics partner company and , he is writer & blogger also. He has written short stories, poetries. He writes a blog, "The Eternity". His blog has the posts related to tech, travel, books and food. Though he is creative at heart, apart from writing, His loves trying creativity in various other forms. Creativity with lovely romantic words is not just his hobby, but he just loves doing it, being a romance genre writer. | Rewardbloggers">

John Smith

Know me better
John Smith is a Senior Marketing executive in Microsoft Dynamics partner company and , he is writer & blogger also. He has written short stories, poetries. He writes a blog, "The Eternity". His blog has the posts related to tech, travel, books and food. Though he is creative at heart, apart from writing, His loves trying creativity in various oth.

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Total Posts: 1
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Rewardbloggers Score: 68
Member Since: 29-Dec-2021

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