Know me better
Skyjems is a FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS and has been selling ethically-sourced gems and jewellery since 1967. We are a proud member of the Canadian Jewellers Association.

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Total Posts: 0
Total Blogs: 3
Rewardbloggers Score: 1985
Member Since: 25-Feb-2021

My Blogs

The Breastplate of Aaron Part 3 - The Twelve Je...

The jewels in the first row of the Priestly Breastplate and their relative location according to the Book of Exodus.

Great Ruby Rings of the World, Part 1

Are you looking for great selections of ruby engagement rings. Check out more about Great Ruby Rings of the World.

Appraisal Values Explained

Most importantly, the majority of appraisals are for insurance replacement value, or an “on demand” price.

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