video marketing

5 Reasons To Add Video Content To Your Marketing Strategy

In these changing times, it is imperative to make your marketing attractive by adding video content to it, so that it stands out amongst a host of competitors

The times, they are a-changing'” sang Bob Dylan. And times are changing fast for marketing. The days of getting listed on yellow pages are gone. They paved the way to websites. Then, the age of content marketing dawned. Add some articles, you gain more eyeballs. We are now in the era of video marketing.

It isn’t expensive anymore to engage in video marketing services for creating and promoting videos. You can stream them on several platforms. So, videos have become indispensable marketing tools. A large number of businesses are leveraging video marketing services for success. A little hard work can fetch you a good quality video content that will be eyeball-grabbing, and also start a discussion with the audience.

Videos help to engage

As per the Content Marketing Institute, you can connect to 10 times the audience's strength with video marketing than without it. We share videos more than written content. And videos help start discussions in forums, which often molds purchase decisions amongst prospective customers.

Videos feature more in searches

In these days of SEO, it’s all about featuring higher up on search engines. And videos ensure that. A video search in Google, e.g., can raise organic traffic by more than 150%. And, we also tend to spend more time on video pages. Plus, videos can also include links that take the audience back to your site.

Videos are easy to view on mobiles

The world is increasingly adopting high-speed mobility almost at the speed of light. A vast number of consumers watch videos regularly on their smartphones, as videos are very mobile-friendly. So, every marketer needs to focus more on video marketing by creating video content that is viewable on mobiles.

Videos lead to higher sales

As per research, more than 70% of the audience who have watched a “how to use” video about any product, have gone ahead to purchase it. Humans tend to process visuals faster, and for a longer duration, so it’s imperative that a marketer needs to have an attractive bouquet of video content.

Videos are shared more

We spend a lot of time sharing content on social media amongst our circles – more so, if it’s video content. A marketer should always remember that in social media, sharing is based more on emotions than facts. We like some videos more than others because they are fun, entertaining, and less time-consuming. And we share these videos more. So, a marketer needs to connect emotionally through the video. The audience will take it forward.

Hence, in this day and age, video marketing services are indispensable tools to reach out to your intended customers. Invest time & effort in creating attractive video content – and see high returns coming in the form of a broader outreach, increased conversions, and making your brand stand out amidst competitors.


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