4 Things to Consider Before Buying Acrylic Pour Painting Supplies

4 Things to Consider Before Buying Acrylic Pour Painting Supplies

If you are new to the acrylic painting and you have no idea how to begin it, then you are in for a bumpy ride. It may seem a daunting task, but with the right direction, you can get all your acrylic pour painting supplies from the right place and the right quantity.

If you are new to the acrylic painting and you have no idea how to begin it, then you are in for a bumpy ride. It may seem a daunting task, but with the right direction, you can get all your acrylic pour painting supplies from the right place and the right quantity. People often get into the habit of acrylic painting out of boredom, but when they are onto it, they explore a new art of healing. It helps them comprehend how a mere art can allow them to deal with their mental health issues. Nevertheless, if you are looking for the shining light to help you guide through this journey, then you are on the right page as it will help you navigate that maze and look for the acrylic paints that match your budget and needs.

So without any further ado, let's jump into it.

  1. Quality matters the most

You cannot expect the acrylic paints to do their art of healing with the poor quality paints. There are two sets of paints, the students' quality and the artist's quality. The student's quality is relatively cheaper and provides lower pigmentation. On the other hand, the artist quality paints have the finest quality and upper-level pigmentation. 

If you are on the beginner level, you must start with the student's quality. However, once you feel you are becoming a pro at it, make a quick shift to the artist's quality as you would want to preserve the pretty pieces that you have made.

  1. Pick the colour that vibes with you better

While you are picking colours for your paints, make sure you are going for the ones that you vibe with. If you are sober and like to keep things low key, then dull and pastel colours might be the safest pick for you. On the other hand, if you are more of a loud and bold person, then go for loud colours like bright yellow, royal blue, shocking pink or hot pink.

Today, you have more and better options for buying speciality colours such as iridescent and fluorescent paints. These colours have a combination of their own and regular paints pigmentation which creates the radiant effect. However, you must know a few of these colours are not permanent, so make sure you ask the seller before you invest in them.

  1. Look for the permanence of the paints

The permanence is also called lightfast-ness which explains the ability of the paint pigmentation to resist the gradual fading when the paints are exposed to light.

The paints who fade easily are known as fugitive colours. However, the good news is the acrylic paints have better permanence as compared to the regular oil paints and the watercolours.

  1. Check the viscosity

It refers to the paint’s consistency and thickness, if you are looking for some buttery and thick consistency paints then go for the heavy body acrylics. These paints retain brushstrokes and simplify the mixing and blending of colours. Whereas, the consistency of the fluid acrylic is thinner; however, they have the same pigmentation. The artists use these paints when they are working on detailed work, trying out new watercolour techniques and dry brushwork. 

If you do not want to try any of these extremes, then we have a fix for that too. Go for the acrylic medium; you can mix them into your paints and get the consistency that you want.

These are same basics that you need to keep in mind before you head out for paint shopping

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