Baby Food,

The Ultimate Baby Food Guide: Which Hipp Organic Formula Should You Feed Your Baby And When?

You need to work out different meals, sleeping schedules, minor health problems, and much more.

Having a baby might be as difficult as it is, however, it can be equally difficult to understand the process of raising one. You need to work out different meals, sleeping schedules, minor health problems, and much more. Since you’re practically taking care of a mini version of a human being, raising a baby can be a wild task.

To make the process slightly easier for you, we built this article, especially for your assistance. There are several Hipp organic formulas available in the market, so it’s only natural to be confused and we all know that motherhood is a lifestyle that leaves no room for extra breaths, let alone the time to read about different baby formulas. This easy guide will help you gain an idea on which baby formulas you need to feed your baby and when:

Hipp UK Organic baby formulas


Hipp UK baby formulas are essentially made of prebiotics. They are starch and soy-free and are generally recommended for children that don’t enjoy the consumption of baby formulas as much.

Stage 1


  • Recommended for children between the ages of 0 - 6 months.
  • Gentle, nutritional milk formula for babies that cannot be breastfed.
  • Contains Omega 3 & 6 (DHA & AA), vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are needed for the healthy growth of a child.

Stage 2


  • Recommended for children between the ages of 6 - 12 months.
  • Ideal baby formula for switching the diet of the baby from breastfeeding to weaning.
  • Gentle organic follow-up on the prior infant milk feed diet.
  • Contains iron for cognitive development, vitamins A, C, and D, as well as other important vitamins and minerals for the healthy growth of a child.

Stage 3


  • Recommended for children above the ages of 12 months.
  • For toddlers that need organic milk in addition to their healthy diet of solid meals.
  • Contains vitamin D for bone & teeth development, Omega 3 to support the brain & tissue development and iron for cognitive development.

Hipp Dutch Organic baby formulas


Stage 1 & 2 contain prebiotics and probiotics, while stage 3 has only prebiotics. All stages are starch-free, while stage 1 & 2 are soy-free.

Stage 1


  • Recommended for children between the ages of 0 - 6 months.
  • No starch, gluten or soy lecithin.
  • Gentle, nutritional milk formula for babies that can be fed alongside breastmilk or exclusively.
  • Contains Omega 3 & 6 (DHA & AA), vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are needed for the healthy growth of a child.

Stage 2


  • Recommended for children between the ages of 6 - 12 months.
  • No starch, gluten or soy lecithin.
  • Gentle organic milk formula for babies that can be fed alongside breastmilk or exclusively.
  • Contains Omega 3 & 6 (DHA & AA), vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are needed for the healthy growth of a child.

Stage 3


  • Recommended for children above the ages of 12 months.
  • No starch, gluten or soy lecithin.
  • Gentle organic milk formula for babies that can be fed alongside breastmilk or exclusively.
  • Contains Omega 3 & 6 (DHA & AA), vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are needed for the healthy growth of a child.


Dutch or UK baby formula?


Depending on the wants you hold for the baby formula you want to feed your child, you can look over the options available above and gain a better understanding of which of the two organic baby formulas could be ideal for you.


Little Moo Organics is a family-owned and operated business that thrives on a 100% customer satisfaction rate. Whether you need Dutch, UK, or any other organic baby formula, you can reach out to them for further assistance.


Buying baby formulas can be confusing at first but once you learn more about the options available, you’ll be able to make a sound decision in no time at all. Make the best choice for your baby, today!

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