Matching blogs

प्रभु की तमाम कृत...

प्रभु की तमाम कृतियों में मानव की रचना श्रेष्ठतम कृति है। बाकी सब योनियों की तुलना में मान...

Ahohi Astami Story 2018

31st October 2018 is day of Ahohi Astami . It is very important day in Vedic Hindu Sanatan Dharma . In this Day,Hindu Ladies do fast for the Ahohi Mata for saving the children's life , happiness and long life of Children. They sit gat...

Pind Daan in Gaya

Pind Daan in Gaya

Pind Daan is an offering to the dead elders. It mainly consists of cooked rice mixed with black sesame seeds. Small dumplings of this mixture are offered to crows. These birds are believed to be the representatives of Yama (God or death)...

General Advice for you when leaving for Umrah

General Advice for you when leaving for Umrah.

Umrah is a great blessing of Allah almighty. When a Muslim finally gets a chance of performance of the holy rituals, there are a lot of mixed emotions in its heart and mind. From the sheer levels of excitement and happiness to the travel...